Dad Says He Saw You at the Mall

Dad Says He Saw You at the Mall

Alfred A. Knopf Publishing Inc., New York, New York, 1995


The only way this unusual first novel was going to get any attention would be through the package. It needed to scream “Look at me” “Pick me up”. The jacket needed to reflect the simple yet unusual nature of the book. The book has an innocence and unpretention that also need to be communicated. The slightly retro quality of the graphics lend it to a broader audience by not excluding the viewer with too funky or weird and image. The back ad of the book was a total free for all. It is a blatant unabashed scream to read this book. It helps set off the simplicity of the front and yet it is almost more attention seeking but it can only function as a back ad, partly due to its origins in retro advertising graphics. I was also lucky to be able to design the binding (actual book exterior) and array the graphic theme over. I was also consulted by the interior designer so we were able to create a unified package which makes the book even more of a gem.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 1995
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book cover