• Audubon’s America: The Narrative and Experiences of John James Audubon
  • A Columbia College Student in the Eighteenth Century
  • Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work
  • Luis González Palma Poems of Sorrow
  • The Skin Spinners
  • The Newport Group corporate brochure
  • Pewter in America, Its Makers and Their Marks
  • Tobacco, Its History illustrated by The Books, Manuscripts and Engravings in the Library of George Arents, Jr. (vol. 1, 1507–1615)
  • Cardano: The Gambling Scholar
  • Ritmo ’04
  • William Morris: Myth, Object and the Animal
  • A Catalogue of the Collection of Arms and Armor Presented to The Cleveland Museum of Art by Mr. and Mrs. John Severance, 1916–1923
  • A Catalogue of the Memorial Exhibition of the Works of the Late John Singer Sargent to be opened on the occasion of the unveiling of Mr. Sargent’s mural decorations over the main stair case and the library of the museum.
  • Dugong, Manatee, Sea Cow
  • Geography of Claudius Ptolemy, Translated and Edited by Edward Luther Stevenson, Based upon Greek and Latin Manuscripts and Important Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century Printed Editions, With an Introduction by Professor Joseph Fischer
  • The Surreal Calder
  • Hogarth on High Life
  • Anchors of Tradition: A Presentment of Some Little Known Facts and Persons in a Small Corner of Colonial New England called Narragansett to Which Are Added Certain Weavings of Fancy from the Thread of Life upon the Loom of Time
  • Radar
  • Naval Sketches of the War in California, Reproducing Twenty-Eight Drawings made in 1846–47 by William H. Meyers, Gunner on the U.S. Sloop-of-War Dale
  • The Voyage of Racoon: A ‘Secret’ Journal of a Visit to Oregon, California and Hawaii, 1813–1814
  • The Collections of Barbara Bloom
  • The Illustrated Edgar Allen Poe
  • Interactive Table for the Star-Spangled Banner Permanent Exhibition
  • See the City
  • Mason and Dixon
  • Silicon Valley Bank 2001 annual report