• We Sell Color (fish)
  • Fish Eyes
  • Midicel, booklet
  • Leo Lionni, exhibition catalog
  • Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
  • Least-cost Feed Blending with a Least-cost Computer, brochure
  • PTA Calendar and Program
  • Coming…Men’s Wear
  • Futurist Evening
  • Traffic Jam
  • Annual Report
  • Mean Soup
  • Random Vibration
  • Larsen, Christmas card
  • Report to Advertisers
  • Christmas Festival, special envelope
  • We Sell Color, gum machine
  • Rubraton
  • “Barton Fink”
  • “Sure Fire”
  • “The heart to conceive..”—Curtin blotter
  • God’s Own Junkyard
  • You are cordially invited…
  • Rubramin
  • Vogue 1958 Camp & School Directory
  • “Power to Communicate”
  • Ray Johnson: Correspondences