• “Inflated Egos” feature story
  • Reader’s Digest Complete Car Care Manual
  • The Writer’s New York City Source Book
  • Free Art Go Look Signage
  • Fairfield-Energy Exploration Out on the Edge
  • “Frame of mind…”
  • The Music Listener
  • Ambassador from Venice
  • Staten Island's Learning Town, Master Plan 1975, report
  • Official New York Subway Map & Guide
  • Chicago City Ballet
  • Art of the Olmsted Landscape
  • Exploring the Moon
  • American Silver
  • Olive: Trickle
  • Kansas City Art Institute: A four-year college of art and design
  • Portraits of Park City by Pop Jenks
  • Real Time
  • Kansas City Art Directors Club
  • Turnstyle Promo Tote Bags
  • A War Atlas for Americans
  • The North Sea
  • Skyscraper
  • The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone
  • New York Times Building Exterior
  • Die Physiker
  • Making it Strange, 1