• Verses by F.R.H., Jr.
  • American Cookery, or, The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry and Vegetables, etc.
  • XXVIII Sonnets
  • Cuba Libre
  • A Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions (1578)
  • John Barnard and His Associates
  • Comedies of Shakespeare
  • Roderigo of Bivar
  • God’s Man—A Novel in Woodcuts
  • Paraphs
  • Benjamin Franklin on Marriage
  • Prunes and Prism, with Other Odds and Ends
  • An Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard
  • Horns in Velvet
  • The Heart’s Journey
  • How Many Miles from St. Jo? The Log of Sterling B.F. Clark, a Forty-Niner, with Comments by Ella Sterling Mighels Together with a Brief Autobiography of James Phelan, 1819–1892, Pioneer Merchant
  • "In Modern Dress," A one-act play
  • Speaking at Seventy
  • Mozart
  • Trackless Winds
  • L’Aiglon: A Drama in Six Acts
  • Poems
  • A Way Out: A One Act Play
  • The Masters of Modern Art
  • Sonnets from Antan
  • Walden, or Life in the Woods
  • Dr. Johnson’s Prayers