• All McCall
  • Turtle Tale
  • Simon & Schuster Books for Everyone
  • This is the Milk that Jack Drank
  • In praise of humble buttons
  • Around the Globe #4
  • Steinweiss letterhead and envelope
  • The Wild Swans
  • Strathmore Expressive Printing Papers
  • It’s an Open and Shut Case
  • “Goes Anywhere:  The World’s Best 4-Wheel Drive”
  • U.S. Healthcare Annual Report
  • IBM World of Numbers
  • The Tone Poem
  • Spectacles
  • Design with Type
  • William Bell, letterhead
  • Mommies At Work
  • The Way Some People Die (teaser cards)
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware 1985 Annual Report
  • The Big World and the Little House
  • World of Numbers
  • “A Straight Line”
  • The Five Rollatinis
  • Macbeth
  • The life and death of a business deal
  • "Why Acorns Are America's Hope For The Future"