• Transwhichics
  • ABC de Puerto Rico
  • Nu Dang and His Kite
  • Castle
  • “I. Miller, the American Romantic…”
  • The Four Corner of the World
  • Cats and Bats and Things With Wings
  • Paris on the Seine
  • “Dior Creates Cosmopolitan Drama”
  • Modern Jazz Piano—Four Views
  • The Four Color Process Guide
  • “Read the Do-It-Yourself Pages”
  • The Mousewife
  • Baskerville & Baskerville Bold
  • Privine Visual, booklet
  • “Photographic proof”
  • Zen, Rocks, and Waters
  • “Gala Premiere—Supima”
  • The Good-For-Nothings
  • ’58 Appointment Calendar
  • Steuben Glass
  • Pat the Bunny
  • At Mary Bloom’s
  • The Silver Whistle
  • “Borglura!”
  • Rufino Tamayo