• Nike Design Trading Cards
  • Folder Curtis Brightwater
  • AM MA
  • Chocolate & Co.
  • Seashells & Sunsets
  • The Grand New Alexandria Mall
  • Esprit Portfolios
  • Reeves Teletape Corp. Annual Report 1978
  • Haagen Seminar Invitation
  • Student Handbook 1994
  • Armani 10014 Jeans Soho
  • Open House invitation poster
  • Beaunit Tricot Fabrics Spring 1975, fold-out sample card
  • Corporate Manager's Meeting, agenda brochure and pad
  • Denny Harris, promotion mailer
  • Those Lips, Those Eyes
  • Jam 'N Roll
  • Solid Fibre Packaging, folder with inserts
  • Halloween Dance
  • Ostro Design
  • Our Living Organ Tissue…
  • American Actuaries, Inc., logo
  • Bow Wow House
  • Robert Pecota 1981, French Colombard
  • Wild Fibers
  • Harlem; A community in transition, book jacket