• EDC Annual Report, 1968
  • Envision, brochure
  • Logarhythms, poster
  • Special Summer Computer Course
  • Tucker-Buttrick Concert, poster
  • Deadline Today, poster
  • The Center for Advanced Engineering Study, booklet
  • Ceramics at MIT brochure
  • The Printing Salesman's Herald Number 28, magazine
  • Clean Air Car Race, poster and button
  • AIGA 1969 Learning Materials Show, call for entries
  • Catalogue Issue for the 1970 Summer Session, bulletin
  • International Conference on Malnutrition Learning and Behavior
  • Report of the Long Range Planning Committee on Lifetime Learning brochure
  • Director of Exhibitions and Committee on the Visual Arts stationery
  • International Conference on Single Cell Protein folder with program and tickets
  • Pond Water brochure and teaching aids
  • Cézanne’s Portrait Drawings