• American Taste
  • A California Gold Rush Miscellany
  • California in 1846
  • The Tragedie of Ivlivs Caesar
  • Solstice and Other Poems
  • Letters from the Sandwich Islands, Written for the Sacramento Union
  • History of Susanna
  • Bibliography of the Writings of Edgar A. Poe
  • Narrative of Nicholas “Cheyenne” Dawson  
  • The Indians of California
  • The Plains and the Rockies, A Bibliography of Original Narratives of Travel and Adventure, 1800–1865
  • Pen-Knife Sketches, of Chips of the Old Block
  • Two Years Before the Mast
  • The Old Pacific Capital
  • The Golden Touch
  • Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press, 1915–1940
  • An Original Leaf, from the Bible of the Revolution, and an Essay concerning it, Colonial Edition
  • Wah-To-Yah & The Taos Trail, Prairie Travel and Scalp Dances
  • Coulterville Chronicle: The Annals of a Mother Lode Mining Town
  • Speaking at Seventy
  • The Santa Fé Trail to California 1849–1852: The Journal and Drawings of H.M.T. Powell
  • The Discovery of Florida: Being a True Relation of the Vicissitudes That Attended the Governor Don Hernando De Soto…by A Fidalgo of Elvas
  • Sonnets from Antan
  • The Scarlet Letter
  • The Artist, H. Daumier, Interpreter of History
  • The Spanish Occupation of California: Plan for Establishment of a Government; Junta or Council held at San Blas, May 16, 1768; Diario of the Expeditions made to California Assembled for this book
  • The Travels of Sir John Maundeville