• The Killing Machine
  • Particularly Cats...and Rufus
  • Adena Offset
  • The Plague
  • Mind/ Brain/ Behavior Initiative Identity
  • Burning with Desire
  • Ferrington Guitars
  • American Tall Tales
  • The Surrealists Look at Art
  • Eveline
  • Viewbook The Madeira School
  • The Early Illustrated Book
  • Cargoes, 25th Anniversary
  • The Modern Writer
  • Now Is the Time
  • DexAngle Data Sheet
  • Lives
  • Voorhees Walker Foley & Smith
  • After Hours (Cannon)
  • The American Cowboy
  • General Dynamics Corporation
  • Beyond the Frame: American Art 1960-1990
  • Zadig: An Oriental History
  • That Endeth Never: A Gift, Christmas 1921
  • Plan for a Good Book
  • Claude Debussy, Les Papillons
  • Peter the Venerable and Islam