• Books and Printing. A Treasury for Typophiles
  • “Le Corbusier at Princeton: 14–16 November 1935” exhibition
  • 125 Years of Hope, Humanity, Compassion
  • Columbine
  • Frontier Oil Annual Reports (1999, 2001, 2003, 2006)
  • Tantric: Tantric
  • Whitney Biennial 2006: Day for Night
  • On European Ground
  • Each Wild Idea
  • Paul Rand: Modernist Design
  • Morningstar StockInvestor and FundInvestor November 2000 newsletters
  • Big magazine “Iceland” issue
  • L’Abbaye brochure
  • Evan’s Life Foundation “One Boy” brochure
  • Michelangelo Pistoletto: The Minus Objects
  • What She Saw
  • Dispatches and Directions: On Artist-Run Organizations in Los Angeles
  • Modem Media viewbook
  • Genuine Value: The John Deere Journey
  • Designing Obama
  • Designing Obama
  • Leonardo da Vinci cover
  • A Man Lies Dreaming
  • Demonology
  • McSweeney’s 7