• O mundo codificado (The Codified World)
  • Mostra Sesc de Artes
  • Office of Arts Education
  • Interieurs
  • In Black and White: The Life of Sammy Davis Jr.
  • Curtain Call Ball 2008
  • EmblemHealth Brand Book
  • The End: Hamburg 1943
  • The Oak Room Identity
  • 365: AIGA Year in Design 25
  • Subjective Realities
  • Shipwreck
  • Fundação Iberê Camargo—Álvaro Siza
  • Good News People Teaser
  • Corcoran Glimpse Book
  • Gotham Reproductions, Replicas of Fine Art, book
  • CD/DVD series, W+K Tokyo lab
  • The GOOD Diner
  • 4GL
  • One Girl
  • “Good Diner”
  • War
  • Series 80/82 (GLC 24-A)
  • The Glamour of Grammar
  • Everything Matters!
  • D.H. Lawrence’s Letters to Bertrand Russell
  • OLIN Identity