• Philip Morris Annual Report 1952
  • American Crew 01 Book
  • Introduction to Electronic Computers
  • YES!
  • “Smirnoff Vodka”
  • Eger Players, folder
  • The Columbus Boys Choir
  • A Test for Industrial Advertisers
  • Gothic Press, stationery
  • Pomerance & Breines, booklet
  • “Montesquieu on the essence of freedom”
  • Unicap Folder—Double Vit.
  • “Lao Tzu on Generosity”
  • Typographic Craftsman, Christmas card
  • If Doctors Prescribe, Buy, or Recommend
  • Mirror Images
  • H.L. Mencken
  • Paul Rand, exhibition
  • Mental Health, booklet
  • “Don’t be Afraid, Debby”
  • Now Is the Time
  • This is Canco
  • Lisette Model
  • 1958 Annual Exhibition—Artists of Los Angeles and Vicinity
  • We’ve got 26 big stars in the fold!
  • “The Naked Eye”
  • “Edge of the City”