Modern Technology in the Classic Tradition

Modern Technology in the Classic Tradition

Adam Greiss Design, Inc., New York, New York, 1996


A to A Graphic Services, Inc., is a full-service graphic production company whose clients include graphic design firms, advertising agencies, and publishing houses. When given this assignment, I thought, “As a graphic designer, what type of promotional literature would I wish to receive? What would make me keep this brochure rather than throw it out? Can I design something that would not only appeal to the target audience but also serve as a source of inspiration?” I had designed A to A’s logo and identity a few years back, which already set the tone for all future work. Using old metal type specimen books from the twenties and thirties as inspiration, I designed a kit, brochure, and price list that maintained the typographic style and sophistication of that era. I didn’t want some trendy Photoshop-looking piece, which is so typical of nineties prepress companies, and also did not want the piece “to look like it was done on a Mac.” The client and I were very happy with the result, and all of their clients and potential clients have responded positively.

Collections: Communication Graphics: 18 (1997)
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Promotional design and advertising
Format: Brochure, Booklet


Design firm
Adam Greiss Design, Inc.
Art director
Adam Greiss
Graphic designer
Adam Greiss
Allan Wahler
Monotype Centaur, Adobe Woodtype Ornaments
Noble Namark
Strathmore White Wove
A to A Graphic Services, Inc.