• 50 Books, catalogue
  • Society Center Marketing
  • Visible Language, Volume XIX, Number 2
  • Odyssey
  • 1967 Television Notebook
  • You don’t need to read the small print!
  • Public Art in Downtown Los Angeles
  • The Ibis Tapestry
  • Oxtoby-Smith:  Behavior Scient
  • Cellist in Exile:  A Portrait of Pablo Casals
  • The Four Color Process Guide
  • About Tobacco
  • Simpson Quest
  • Psychology and Teaching
  • The Customers’ Choice…
  • Slide
  • 1991 Video Music Awards Book – “Where There Is No Vision, the People Perish”
  • Gunsmoke
  • Graphic Modernism: From the Baltic to the Balkans, 1910–1935
  • X Exhibition
  • Fashion Institute of Technology recruiting materials
  • Just So Stories
  • The Good-For-Nothings
  • The Complete Works of the Gawain-Poet
  • Chip Kidd: Book One
  • The Creative Black Book
  • AIGA 1956 Design & Printing for Commerce Catalogue