• Daybook
  • Letters to a Young Poet
  • Broca’s Brain
  • The Genius
  • Fat Woman
  • Edith Sitwell
  • Okefinokee Album
  • Half Moon Street
  • Stravinsky: Selected Correspondence: Vol. Ill
  • Widows
  • Zabar’s Deli Book
  • Le Morte Darthur
  • The Early Illustrated Book
  • Shakespeare s Dog
  • Bioscope
  • The Big Nickelodeon
  • The American Wars
  • The Connoisseurs' Handbook of California Wines
  • The City Observed: Boston
  • Pilgrim at Sea
  • The Holy Land
  • The Baron in the Trees
  • At Play in the Fields of the Lord
  • Donizetti
  • Fifty Years
  • Matisse:  50 Years of His Graphic Art
  • Iconographs