• The Crime of Galileo
  • In Flanders Fields, The 1917 Campaign
  • The Lost Weekend
  • AIGA Flip Book
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
  • Omniplan, brochure
  • Dry Long So
  • In The Beginning
  • "Bah Hum Bug," Cato Gobe Christmas Party
  • Oil and Gas
  • Round Table Sonnets
  • The Plague
  • Outlook 2
  • Defending the Constitution
  • Cookin' with Jazz
  • Homage to Mistress Bradstreet
  • Alcoa Foundation 1990
  • IBM: Tucson: Invitation to Excellence
  • A Portfolio of Seven, brochure
  • Have Wrench/Will Monkey
  • The Kilgore Journal
  • Center for Advanced Research in Design
  • The Education of Henry Adams, volumes I and II
  • 1958 Vogue Gift Subscription, Christmas card
  • “Body Count”
  • The Bridge Over the River Kwai
  • The People Could Fly