• “Esto es publicidad para Berlitz”
  • Voilà de la publicité…
  • Trade Mark: Venetian Bridges
  • Does the stickshift scare your wife?
  • Election Guides, five booklets
  • "Last night Mrs. Mary Powers..."
  • Taking the Measure of Two Media, cover
  • "Unfortunately, most guys start shaving..."
  • The Horn & Hardart Plan, booklet
  • Fiorello H. La Guardio\, folder
  • "We're about to talk you into..."
  • "Split Screen"
  • “Since 1852, Washington leaders have followed The Star”
  • The Forty-First Street Theatre, business card
  • “Do or Die!  Official Directive”
  • Stay Up Late
  • "Funeral"
  • Franklin Simon:  New York Times, brochure
  • Was this the last time you went formal?
  • "Depression"
  • “How long can you look in a Hoffritz window?”
  • "Wally Cox“
  • “Gucci"
  • We Give You Fresh Vegetables Instead of Canned Music, poster
  • Restaurant Florent/June
  • Some people come to Soft Whiskey the hard way.
  • At Midnight on September 13th Horn & Hardart’s Fresh Pumpkins Will Start Turning into Pies, poster