• Factory Folkways, A study of institutional structure and change
  • The Promised Land and Other Poems
  • Bibliography of American Literature: Volume I: Henry Adams to Donn Byrne
  • The Shingle Style: Architectural Theory and Design from Richardson to the Originals of Wright
  • Hogarth’s Graphic Works, Volumes I and II
  • Sowing: An Autobiography of the Years 1880–1904
  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi
  • The Odyssey of Modern Drug Research
  • Gerhardt’s Children
  • Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake
  • Civilization Past and Present, A Survey of the history of man … from the earliest times to the present, in Europe, in Asia, and in the Americas
  • Architecture and Town Planning in Colonial Connecticut
  • Open Space in Urban Design
  • Abba Eban:  An Autobiography
  • John Baskerville
  • The Poems of Charles Hansford
  • The Connoisseur’s Book of the Cigar
  • Twelfth Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1962
  • Notes on the Care & Cataloguing of Old Maps
  • The White House Library. A Short Title List.
  • The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  • The Way Beyond ‘Art’—the Work of Herbert Bayer
  • Book of the Hopi
  • Central European Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library
  • The Adventures of Jonathan Corncob
  • The Changing Image: Prints by Francisco Goya
  • The Hunting of the Snark, and other nonsense verse from Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass and Sylvie and Bruno