• Having Tea
  • 1986 NOVA Calendar
  • The Paintings of Henry Miller
  • The New CH-22 OF Chair
  • Cabbagetown means a lot to Toronto
  • Big Apple Address Calendar
  • Esprit de Corp
  • Sunar '82
  • The Photography of Invention
  • The Mountains of Quilt
  • Type Faces
  • Eskind Waddell: Awards 1987/1988
  • Some Party
  • Barker Interests Ltd.
  • “Hendrix Lyrics”
  • Idea: Special Issue
  • Frontier New York
  • New Mexican Furniture 1600-1940
  • Monet
  • Hopi, The Eagle's Cry
  • Lewis Carroll and The Kitchins
  • A History of Hockey, poster
  • Quandrangle
  • "C" Channel
  • Design Logic
  • Esprit Sport
  • American Arts & Crafts: Virtue in Design