• Schaefer Cream Ale Bottle/Can/6-Pack
  • Carnival Offset, merchandising kit
  • Ile Aiye
  • Adweek Portfolio/Photography
  • This is My Blood
  • Tenth Anniversary
  • Bonding Sandwich, booklet
  • Luke Swank
  • "Made in Japan."
  • Adweek Portfolio/Illustration
  • Walks in Gertrude Stein's Paris
  • Five Meters of Poems
  • Knoll Orchestra
  • N.Y.C. Points of Interest Map
  • Industrial Adhesives, booklet
  • Civilization Past and Present, A Survey of the history of man … from the earliest times to the present, in Europe, in Asia, and in the Americas
  • Art Direction Magazine
  • Energy Planning for Buildings
  • Pick Up Some Cash Today, poster
  • Components brochure
  • Play Our Holiday Game, broadside
  • Buggy Town
  • Office Building Fire Communications System, brochure
  • An Evening with Groucho Marx, invitation and stationery
  • Obestat Ty-Med, sample mailer
  • Ten tuition free, full-time scholarships…, mailing piece
  • Scalded