• Newfoundland
  • Newfoundland
  • Nautical Quarterly 5
  • VW Type 3 The Beginning of an Affair, folder
  • Nautical Quarterly 6
  • Nudes
  • United Industrial Syndicate
  • Nautical Quarterly
  • Nippon Maru
  • Graphis Diagram I
  • UIS, Inc.
  • Chambray Animals
  • Tools for Living
  • Chambray Apples
  • Business Week, October 31, 1983
  • Dow Jones Annual Report 1983
  • Citicorp Venture Capital
  • Dow Jones Annual Report 1982
  • Promotion Design 2 annual
  • The American Way magazine
  • AIGA Communication Graphics and Print Ads
  • Graphis Magazine: Issue 256 1988
  • Graphis 283
  • Graphis 279
  • Nautical Quarterly 4
  • Graphis Nudes
  • Graphis Magazine: Issue 321