• Type Directors Club, announcement and envelopes
  • Poems of Alcman, Sappho, Ibycus
  • Matthew Brady and His World
  • Spectrum, cover:  Porphyria
  • The Bob Timberlake Collection
  • The Architecture of H.H. Richardson and his Times
  • The Holy Bible for Young Readers, The New Testament
  • Spectrum cover: Death of a President
  • Alvar Aalto: Architecture and Furniture
  • Twelve Fables of Aesop
  • Journal of a Cruise to California and the Sandwich Islands in the United States Sloop-of-War Cyane, 1841–1844
  • The Sleeping Gypsy and Other Poems
  • French Cooking in Ten Minutes
  • The Names
  • The Art of Indian Asia: Its Mythology and Transformations
  • Ten Japanese Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design
  • Life 1955, Christmas gift card
  • Book of the Hopi
  • The Sculpture of Picasso
  • A Russian Journal
  • Art For the Family
  • The Treasure Trove of the Sun
  • Paris: Twenty-Eight Drawings by Jean Vigoureux
  • Article, “The Gilded Age,” “T Design” issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Around the Horn in ’49: The Journal of The Hartford Union Mining and Trading Company, December, 1848 to September, 1849, With an Introduction by Oscar Lewis
  • Coach Brand Identity