• Sitting Pretty
  • What Can You Expect Advertising To Do For You?, envelope
  • For Who The Bell Tolls, kit
  • You Can’t Miss
  • The Grass is Greener at Green Mansions
  • The Beaux Arts Quartet
  • 1960, diary notebook
  • The “True” Man Wears Many Hats
  • Yesterday and Today
  • Operation Jazz
  • Company You Keep
  • New Year, mailer
  • Austin Briggs, announcement
  • Tony Palladino, letterhead
  • 1959 Calendar
  • Five Exciting New Shows
  • Pittsburgh Quote, vol. 2, no. 3
  • Print Club, exhibition announcement
  • Record Printing Co.
  • II Duello (HSL 130)
  • Huron Press, announcements
  • The IBM 1620 for Engineering and Science (a series of seven)
  • Redisol—For Children Whose Growth is Retarded
  • The Standard American Jewish Directory, book jacket
  • Itch Card for Dimetane
  • If Doctors Prescribe, Buy, or Recommend
  • Fifth International Biennial of Contemporary Color Lithography