• Christmas Card, 1962, booklet
  • The First Collier Seminar for Advertisers
  • “Men have hunted, fought, slept…”
  • “Now that you’ve seen the light…”
  • Plaza 8. What the Underground Girls...
  • “Marvella, could it be the real thing?”
  • "The best way to sell you..."
  • “If they run out of Löwenbräu…order champagne”
  • TDC35
  • Leber Katz Paccione, Inc., letterhead, work order, purchase order, label, envelope—stationery
  • Awards Luncheon, menu
  • Martha Paccione, birth announcement
  • Jaffa Oranges from Israel, mailing piece
  • “FDR Newspaper Ad”
  • Typographic Craftsman, Christmas card