• Mystique
  • A B C D…
  • The GOOD Diner
  • Passionate Portraits
  • Architects at the Frying Pan
  • Woody Pirtle/Performing Live
  • Woody Pirtle: From Start to Finish
  • Subjective Reasoning Campaign: The End
  • Potlatch
  • Gene Federico
  • Success/Failure/IDCA 1987
  • Immunex Annual Report
  • “Save Our City”
  • Collaboration
  • Collaboration
  • Signatures of the Body
  • Art Directors Association of Iowa
  • Mary and Jonathan Alexander
  • Chase Infoserv Series
  • MOCA
  • A Walk on 53rd Street
  • The Power of Maps Education Guide
  • Mohawk Vellum “Perfectly Ordinary”
  • Subjective Reasoning Campaign: The View From the Mirror
  • “Good Diner”
  • Periodical Pentagram Papers 17: The Many Faces of Mao
  • AGFA Macintosh-based Systems