• Pleasure Beach
  • Stopping By Woods Ion A Snowy Evening
  • The Printing Salesman's Herald
  • Africa
  • Knapp Estate White Table Wine
  • Hanukah Money
  • Champion Specification Frame
  • Mannequins
  • On the Level
  • Paul Simon—The Rhythm of the Saints
  • The Underground Gourmet
  • “It’s Nylon or Nothing”
  • You don’t need to read the small print!
  • Arm in Arm
  • Photo-graphic, 1949, The Annual of America’s leading photographers
  • CBS Television network 1978 Fourteen Month Sports Planning Diary
  • Mademoiselle’s Who’s Who in Travel
  • CBS Radio Program Promotion, folder and letterhead
  • The Lamp—November 1954
  • Teen Cuisine
  • Milton Glaser Graphic Designer
  • The Lamp—September 1955
  • Fake!
  • Geology Today
  • It’s Mine and I’ll Write It That Way
  • The Great Geppy
  • The New World of Needlepoint