• The Dogma of Evolution
  • The Designs and Drawings of Antonio Gaudi
  • Peter the Venerable and Islam
  • John Žižka and the Hussite Revolution
  • A Short History of Medieval Philosophy
  • Illustrations of the Utrecht Psalter
  • Visionary and Dreamer
  • John Donne: Conservative Revolutionary
  • Symmetry
  • The Shaping of the Elizabethan Regime
  • Giovanni Bellini’s St Francis in the Frick Collection
  • The Architecture of Islamic Iran: The Il Khanid Period
  • Reminiscences of Newell Sill Jenkins
  • The Making of Urban America
  • General Theory of High Speed Aerodynamics
  • Shelley’s Major Poetry, The fabric of a vision
  • The Poetical Career of Alexander Pope
  • A History of Rutgers College, 1766–1924
  • American Democracy Today, and Other Essays on Politics and Government
  • Parallel Visions: Modern Artists and Outsider Art
  • Melville’s Quarrel with God
  • The British Post Office, A history
  • Our Lord Don Quixote (Bollingen Series LXXXV Vol. 3)
  • The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More
  • Princeton Portraits
  • Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake
  • Dramatic Providence in Macbeth:  A Study of Shakespeare’s Tragic Theme of Humanity and Grace