• An Underground Gourmet Restaurant, label
  • Push Pin Graphic, Number 48, booklet
  • By Cecile, book jacket
  • The Man of Sensibility, jacket
  • Monthly Graphic no. 32
  • The Brooklyn Children's Museum Poster
  • Art or Pornography?, poster
  • Push Pin Graphic No. 56, newsletter
  • Shirley Temple For President poster
  • Push Pin Graphic Number 5 Follies, brochure
  • Toys by Artists, poster
  • Bonnier International, stationery, business card
  • NET Playhouse on the 30's, poster
  • Mahalia Jackson posters
  • Milanese Graphics, exhibition announcement
  • Big Nudes, exhibition announcement
  • Push Pin Graphic Number 47, booklet
  • Napoleon, book jacket
  • The Push Pin Graphic, Number 36
  • If Apples had Teeth, jacket
  • The Overlook Press, letterhead and envelope
  • Someday Computers Will Talk,  brochure
  • The Chocolate Deal
  • Monthly Graphic no. 19
  • Ambler Music Festival poster
  • The Underground Gourmet paperback cover
  • Eyes of Eternity