I Am America

I Am America

Doyle Partners, New York, New York, 2007


We think of this project not so much as one of book design, but rather more along the lines of a typographic brain transplant. Doyle Partners served merely as midwives to the volcano of acuity that is Stephen Colbert’s mind. The book, like the character, had to be completely saturated with self-aggrandizement (hence the radiant Colbert case binding and the endpaper pattern of Stephen confronting himself) and self-importance (like the almost life-size head on the cover). No surface of the book could escape being drenched in his ego, which led to the idea of the Republican-red edge staining. The reference stickers validate the book as something that the reader will return to time after time, and the stickers for nominating other books for the Stephen Colbert Award for the Literary Excellence was our lighthearted attempt at benign bookstore vandalism. Long live the values of the Colbert Nation!

Juror Notes

If I knew how to spell the words “beautifully” and “executed” I would. This book makes me proud to be an American.

Collections: 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2007
Repository: Denver Art Museum
Discipline: Book design
Format: Book