• The last ones to leave the party…
  • "Suddenly it's 1932."
  • "The biggest selling small car..."
  • "Mr. Ferrari drives a Fiat."
  • It helps you see better.
  • BIG A/Official Program, leaflet cover
  • "Unlike Beer"
  • "Owners"
  • Hertz Rents Topless Fords poster
  • Fun At Aqueduct July 2–28, poster
  • Big A, poster
  • "Mr. Ferrari"
  • Big Time At Belmont! June 1–30, poster
  • "Don’t let our prices scare you "
  • "For $1,992 you can drive the car Ferrari drives."
  • “Take a good long look”
  • Stop Swiping Cinzano Ashtrays.  Start Buying Cinzano Vermouth, poster
  • Aqueduct Official Program, cover
  • Top Thoroughbreds…, poster
  • "Ferrari's New Car"
  • "Squeezing"
  • Aqueduct Go! Go! Go!, poster
  • Aqueduct March 20—July 27, poster
  • “Don’t miss the thrilling $100,000 Woodward Stakes”
  • “When you build a new home or remodel your present one”
  • "Race Track"
  • Fun is what’s big at the Big A (March 20–June 1), poster