• Giovanni Bellini’s St Francis in the Frick Collection
  • Twelfth Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library 1962
  • The Mexican Portfolio
  • Tapestries of Europe and Colonial Peru in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • The Jaguar’s Children:  Pre-Classic Central Mexico
  • Wendell Lewis Willkie: Occasional Addresses and Articles
  • Davy Crockett, American Comic Legend
  • T.E. Lawrence, a Bibliography
  • The First Biography of Joan of Arc
  • Thumbelina
  • Our Lord Don Quixote (Bollingen Series LXXXV Vol. 3)
  • Birds From My Homeland
  • Hogarth’s Graphic Works, Volumes I and II
  • 95 Poems
  • The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  • The Song of Hiawatha
  • Abel Buell of Connecticut:  Silversmith, Type Found & Engraver
  • Plate:  The Dialogues—Volume 2
  • Diaries, Prayers, and Annals
  • Shakespeare’s Sonnets: Now faithfully Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1609
  • The Art of Poetry
  • Mount Vernon, Virginia, an illustrated handbook
  • Drawings from the Clark Art Institute, Volume I and II
  • The Arts of the French Book, 1900–1965: Illustrated Books of the School of Paris
  • A Sketchbook of American Chess Problematists
  • General Grant by Matthew Arnold with a Rejoinder by Mark Twain
  • Navajo Wildlands “as long as the rivers shall run”