• Georgia O’Keefe
  • Roundup: A Nebraska Reader
  • The Fine Hammered Steel of Herman Melville
  • AB to ZOGG
  • The Art World
  • Athenian Adventure
  • The Wine of Eternity, Short stories from the Latvian
  • The Journey to the East
  • Charles Herbert Moore, Landscape Painter
  • Crockett’s Victory Garden
  • The Oz Scrapbook
  • The Encyclopedia of Collectible; Volume I
  • Psychology: A Biographical Approach
  • James Joyce in Padua
  • Face & Facades
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Mary Margaret McBride’s Harvest of American Cooking
  • Lord Jim
  • A Great Aquarium Book
  • The Art of War in the Middle Ages: A.D. 378–1515
  • Passage East
  • The Red Lion
  • Fata Morgana
  • Glass From the Ancient World
  • Abba Eban:  An Autobiography
  • Invitation to Biology
  • The Harvard Book: Selections from Three Centuries