• Folder Westweek '84
  • Confetti Self-promotion
  • Stendig
  • Black and White Plus One Color
  • Aura Exterior Paint
  • Gene Federico
  • E.G. Feet
  • World Love
  • Signatures of the Body
  • Andover Chair (Magazine Advertisement)
  • World's Largest Musical Chairs Game
  • Your Career in Bell Telephone Laboratories
  • International Gold Corporation Limited
  • Luna Notte Menu
  • “Pina Bausch”
  • D & AD ‘90
  • Textiles, Textiles, Textiles (Magazine Ad)
  • Fun & Fantasy
  • American Directory of Architects
  • Barron's Investor Kit
  • E.G. Smith Color Institute Building
  • WNJU TV47 Spanish Television
  • Sport and the Horse
  • Knoll: Newsletter Spring 1984 (Corporate Newsletter)
  • Columbia Wednesday Lecture/Exhibition Series Fall ‘84
  • An Invocation
  • Candle 00151/0017