• Knoll: Newsletter Spring 1984 (Corporate Newsletter)
  • Columbia Wednesday Lecture/Exhibition Series Fall ‘84
  • An Invocation
  • Candle 00151/0017
  • “Now! Thoroughbred Thrills at the Big “A””
  • “University Review” quarterly magazine
  • Confetti Time Capsule
  • E.G. Smith Open Mind Remedie Box
  • Fox River Confetti Promotion "1/4ly reports on stock"
  • "Where is club soda's spring?"
  • David Byrne: Rei Momo
  • “Can’t We Make the Logo Bigger?”
  • “Man of Distinction”
  • David Byrne: Rei Momo CD Package
  • Flexcomp ’85: Your Decision Kit
  • HOME: Fannie Mae, Fifty Years of Opening Doors for American Home Buyers
  • September: A Month of Days from Mead and Gilbert Papers
  • Go Bass or Go Barefoot
  • Texaco USA'S Retail Facility Standards Manual
  • Bill Robinson—Fall 1990
  • Marketplace/A Brief History of The New York Stock Exchange
  • “Look Ahead—Paint with Pabco”
  • Fox River Confetti Promotion, "Writing that Sounds it Out" Brochure
  • Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts at Brooklyn College
  • Redwood News, Winter 1950–51
  • San Francisco Airport Catalogs
  • The Museum of the Borough of Brooklyn