• James Taylor
  • Pete Townshend
  • Keith Richards Meets The Mounties and Faces the Music
  • ‘1941’ Bombs Away!
  • The Family/The Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • The Family/Ronald Reagan
  • The Family/George Bush
  • The Family/Edward Kennedy
  • The Family/Daniel Patrick Moynihan
  • The Family/Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • The Family/Bella Abzug
  • Farms On the Asteroids
  • Rock & Roll Heaven
  • Fear and Loathing at the Watergate
  • Fear and Loathing in Miami
  • Rolling Stone, December 15, 1977
  • Robert Elwell, bookplate
  • Rolling Stone, Special Issue July 13-27, 1989
  • The Game Teachers Play
  • The Family/Ralph Nader, Clark Clifford, Cyrus Vance, Hyman Rickover
  • The Rolling Stones
  • Arcus
  • REM
  • Chuck Berry Gets a Great Idea
  • The Birth of the Sneer—Elvis
  • Panther
  • How to Rake Leaves