• The Wild Bunch
  • Oasis
  • The Middle Ages Issue (cover, 68–69, 76–77)
  • Shooting in the Subway
  • Smoke and Mirrors
  • T Openers: Lace, Swirl and Damned
  • Article, “Longing,” The New York Times Magazine
  • Michael Jackson's Legacy: Readers React
  • “FEMA Funds” chart
  • The War in Iraq: One Week
  • The Ideas Issue
  • Article, “The Gilded Age,” “T Design” issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Article, “Great Performers,”  The New York Times Magazine
  • The Funny Pages
  • 31 Days in Iraq
  • Article, “Having a Blast,” The New York Times Magazine
  • Cover, "T Design" issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Shrinking Snippets of Campaign Speech
  • “Tackling Grizzly” chart
  • T Magazine
  • “Year in Ideas” issue, The New York Times Magazine
  • Price Tag
  • “102 Minutes” diagrams
  • “It’s So You” New York Times Magazine cover
  • “The Muse,” 5/30/03
  • How the Bridge Fared on a Previous Inspection
  • “Eggheads Unite,” 4/4/03