• SunarHauserman Walls, Systems...
  • Graphic Artists Guild Directory of Illustration 5
  • "Save Our City" Poster
  • Douglas Entrance Catalog
  • International Gold Corporation Limited
  • Martex Spring ‘90
  • Kroin Garden and Park Furniture Catalogue and Price Book, 1984
  • Rockefeller Foundation 1992 Annual Report
  • Nine West 1993 Annual Report
  • Conde House
  • Castrol: The Standard of Performance
  • Martex Spring 1987
  • Leading Edge #5, 1984
  • Seven Turning Points H.J. Heinz Company 1988 Annual Report
  • Conde House
  • Jason
  • Sadlier Annual Report 1980
  • 24 Richmond Hill
  • “Oliver Lake”
  • Shorewood Packaging Corporation
  • Manual Mobil
  • Martex Spring ‘88
  • Ouch: Hand Injuries, Back Injuries, Eye Injuries
  • The Annual Report Client
  • 712 Fifth Avenue - Construction Bridge
  • Columbia Wednesday Lecture/Exhibition Series Fall ‘84
  • Louis Dreyfus Property Group