• The Stadium Book
  • Potlatch Remarks on Remarque
  • Posted Communication Recycle Poster
  • Chicago Volunteer Legal Services 1992 Annual Report
  • DIFFA/Designers Garage Sale
  • 1992 Harley Davidson, Inc. Annual Report
  • Oak Street on Location Poster
  • Simpson Paper Company Dinner
  • The Guide to Sensible CD/ROM Packaging Brochure
  • Chicago Board of Trade 1991
  • Potlatch Touch See Brochure
  • Chicago Board of Trade 1990
  • 1992 Chicago Board of Trade Annual Report
  • MUZAK Brochure
  • McCoy 2008: A Celebration of the Presidential Button from 1840 to 2008
  • Illinois State Toll Highway Authority 1993 Annual Report
  • HOPE/Chicago Volunteer Legal Services 1994 Annual Report
  • One Year: Photographs by James Schnepf
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute May 2007 Bulletin (Illustrations, vol. 20, 32–33, 26–27, 14–15)
  • Experiments
  • Defining Moments: A.T. Kearney 70th Anniversary Book
  • Smithfield Food 1996 Annual Report
  • 1 of 2 in 1000, 2 of 2 in 1000 album packaging
  • 365 Ben Days Calendar
  • Mode of Transformation
  • Envisioning Change
  • The Dalai Lama Commemorative Poster