• R.L.S. Stevenson’s Letters to Charles Baxter
  • The Golden House of Nero
  • The Railroad Station
  • Marco Polo’s Asia
  • The Satyricon
  • This Sculptured Earth
  • John Keats: The Making of a Poet
  • The Golden Peaches of Samarkand
  • The Wooden Pillow
  • Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance
  • Wilderness and the American Mind
  • France, A Modern History
  • The Unmediated Vision
  • Sheba Visits Solomon
  • Leaven for Loaves: Poems
  • Johann Sebastian Bach: Heritage and Obligation
  • Samuel Butler: A Mid-Victorian Modern
  • Bee Time Vine and Other Pieces, 1913–1927
  • Factory Folkways, A study of institutional structure and change
  • Die Physiker
  • Herman Melville, a Biography
  • Bibliography of American Literature: Volume I: Henry Adams to Donn Byrne
  • In Sicily
  • Fables From Aesop
  • The Shingle Style: Architectural Theory and Design from Richardson to the Originals of Wright
  • The Marble Fountain
  • Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature