• The Time of Man
  • Elf Owl
  • The Marble Fountain
  • Nino
  • The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore
  • Letters of James Joyce, Volumes II and III
  • The Man of the Renaissance—Four Lawgivers: Savonarola, Machiavelli, Castiglione, Aretino
  • Animal Treasure
  • The Firebird And Other Russian Fairy Tales
  • Barefoot and the Friendly Road
  • Tea
  • The Runaway Elephant
  • The Portable Rabelais
  • Three Day Pass
  • Wonders of the Human Body
  • Of Courage Undaunted. Across the Continent with Lewis and Clark
  • In America
  • Saint Peter Relates an Incident of the Resurrection Day
  • A World History of Art
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • The Three Policemen
  • The Creation
  • Poor Richard
  • Roller Skates
  • The Long Christmas
  • Letters to an Artist: From Vincent van Gogh to Anton Ridder van Rappard
  • Busy Busy City Street