• The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1
  • Literature and History
  • Sketches of Eighteenth Century America
  • On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
  • The Confederate Privateers
  • A History of Russia
  • R.L.S. Stevenson’s Letters to Charles Baxter
  • Italian Primitives at Yale University
  • L’Aiglon: A Drama in Six Acts
  • Poems
  • The Yale Building Project: The First 40 Years
  • The Painting of Simon Vouet
  • The Railroad Station
  • Foundations of Quantum Theory: A Study in Continuity and Symmetry
  • Essays and Speeches of Frank Bergen
  • The Works of Colonel Trumbull
  • Eleven International Dinners
  • Town Planning in London
  • Mexican Manuscript Painting
  • The 1999 AAUP Book, Jacket and Journal Show
  • The Memorial Quadrangle: A Book about Yale
  • Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance
  • Rasselas in the New World
  • Folk Songs of French Canada
  • The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks
  • The Unmediated Vision
  • China and the Occident: The Origin and Development of the Boxer Movement