• Gaston Lachaise: Sixteen Reproductions in Collotype of the Sculptor’s Work
  • Modern Composition and Rhetoric
  • Contemporary American Portrait Painters, Illustrating and Describing the Work of Fifty Living Painters
  • Addresses on the Occasion of the Opening of the American Wing
  • Puss in Boots
  • Pen-Knife Sketches, of Chips of the Old Block
  • Verses
  • Francesca Alexander
  • The Indians of California
  • Quarto Club Papers
  • Full and By: Being a Collection of Verses by Persons of Quality in Praise of Drinking
  • The Old Pacific Capital
  • Ramblings in Rhyme
  • Verses by F.R.H., Jr.
  • American Cookery, or, The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry and Vegetables, etc.
  • XXVIII Sonnets
  • Cuba Libre
  • A Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions (1578)
  • John Barnard and His Associates
  • Comedies of Shakespeare
  • Roderigo of Bivar
  • God’s Man—A Novel in Woodcuts
  • Paraphs
  • Benjamin Franklin on Marriage
  • Prunes and Prism, with Other Odds and Ends
  • An Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard
  • Horns in Velvet