• David Griffin & Co.
  • California Printing Co.
  • Peter Rosenbaum Photography
  • “New York is Up in Central Park”
  • “When Flying High See Anton Maix Fabrics”
  • “New Yorkers Do Everything Other People Do”
  • H.L. Mencken
  • We Moved
  • “Who’s the Wise Guy”
  • “Shirt Ad for Father’s Day”
  • Naugahyde
  • El Presidente Chili
  • “Dr. Johnson on the human horizon”
  • The Terrible Gustave Doré
  • “P6M”
  • Pallas Athene
  • Ad, booklet
  • “An Image Emerges”
  • “Alcoa Forecast, Hors d’oeuvre Tree Advertisement”
  • “Are You a Man Without a Store?”
  • Tweedweave
  • Asyst Rolo Card
  • Typewriter Folder ST-3
  • Your Career in Bell Telephone Laboratories
  • Amahl
  • This Happy Place
  • Comedies of Shakespeare