• The Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Fragonard Drawings for Ariosto, Essays
  • John Baskerville
  • Democracy in America
  • Poems of Alcman, Sappho, Ibycus
  • A Wreath for San Gemignano
  • Maps of Connecticut for the Years of Industrial Revolution
  • Mythology
  • An Anthology of Contemporary Latin-American Poetry
  • The Tremolino
  • The Athenaeum Gallery, 1827–1873: The Boston Athenaeum as an Early Patron of Art
  • Japanese Prints by Harunobu & Shunsho, in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux
  • The Three-Cornered Hat
  • Robert Josephy: 20 Years in Publishing, 1921–1941
  • Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice
  • Dumbarton Oaks Inaugural Lectures
  • Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the William L. Clements Library
  • Soldiers of the American Army, 1776–1941
  • Early Houses of the King’s Province in the Narragansett Country
  • A Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press, With a Record of the Prices at Which Copies Have Been Sold, Together with a Bibliography and Census of the Detached Pieces
  • The Alphabet and Elements of Lettering, Revised and Enlarged with Many Full-Page Plates and Other Illustrations Drawn and Arranged by the Author
  • Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus