• Beverly Hills Wine & Food Society Menu
  • A Printer’s Common-Place Book
  • The Invention of Printing in China
  • A Sentimental Journey through France & Italy
  • American Bard
  • The Greater Power and Other Address
  • This I Saw; The Life and Times of Goya
  • About Lyddy Thomas
  • Books and Bidders: The Adventures of a Bibliophile
  • The Paintings of George Bellows
  • A Riband on My Rein: Poems
  • Zadig
  • The Memorial Quadrangle: A Book about Yale
  • Natives of Rock: XX Poems, 1921–1922
  • The Brothers Karamazov
  • The Green Hat: A Romance
  • In the Imperial Shadow
  • Shepherd’s School
  • Lyric Poetry of the Italian Renaissance
  • Rasselas in the New World
  • Folk Songs of French Canada
  • Art in the Early Church
  • Mask of Silenus, A Novel about Socrates
  • Steichen the Photographer
  • François Villon: A Documented Survey
  • The Boy Who Was
  • Narcissus and Two Other Poems