• “Mrs. Mitchell’s last car cost more than $6,000”
  • “Listening in Depth”
  • Scope (Spring 1955)
  • Journalism and Communications, bulletin
  • Eastman Kodak Annual Report
  • Convention, announcement
  • Kodak Bulletin for the Graphic Arts, No. 13, 1950
  • Mister PLUS blotters (5)
  • De Pinna, Christmas catalogue
  • A House on the Rhine
  • “The 1956 National Republican Convention”
  • The Lamp—September 1952
  • Compendio Medico
  • Roses are red…
  • The Golden Peaches of Samarkand
  • Ohio Match Company Annual Report, 1954
  • Blotter Set
  • Amherst College forms
  • The Meridian
  • See Paris in August
  • “Look Ahead—Paint with Pabco”
  • “An estimated 45 million viewers…”
  • “For latest gardening methods…(apple)”
  • How Fuller Fabrics
  • “That Ayres Look”
  • Interiors that Sell
  • 1950 Annual Report, Standard Oil Company (N.J.)