• “It’s Time to Buy Back-to-School Supplies”
  • “Plato on the Standards of Culture”
  • “Gala Premiere—Supima”
  • Yankee Iron
  • “How to get away from them all—when you want to!”
  • “Have your stockings caught up to your shoes?”
  • WQXR (Carlyle, Congreve, Longfellow and Shakespeare)
  • T.S. Eliot Reading Poems and Choruses
  • “The House Which This Family Is Building…”
  • Better Impressions
  • “The Most Luxurious Sheets and Blankets Wear This Label”
  • “You’re Sure to Tie Him Up”
  • Meet the Best-Dressed Outerwearers in History
  • “Borglura!”
  • The Look Approach (The Littlest Cadet)
  • How to Design a Letterhead
  • Standard Oil Company of California Bulletin, April, 1951
  • One Man Is Like Another
  • Memos for Summer Theatre Managers
  • The New Drake Impressions
  • Which Magazine Means Back-to-College?
  • “Country Tweeds “Coats for the Wide, Wide World”” 
  • 1952 Life Insurance Policy Edition
  • Mo-Sai pre-cast facing slabs
  • “Helps beaters beat better batter”
  • New Columbia Records
  • CIBA Kaeppeli Menu