• Some Thoughts on the Ornamented MSS. of the Middle Ages
  • A History of the Printed Book, being the Third Number of the Dolphin
  • New Farm Horizons, A survey of fifty years of farm progress and a discussion of America’s agricultural future
  • The Subtyl Historyes and Fables of Esope: Translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe by William Caxton at Westmynstre in the yere of oure Lorde MCCCCLXXXIII
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • The Twelve Moneths and Christmas Day, From ‘Fantastickes’
  • Concord River, Selections from the Journals of William Brewster
  • A Girl Who Would Be Queen, The Story and the Diary of the Young Countess Krasinska
  • Cyrano de Bergerac
  • The Wonder Cat
  • Seven main titles
  • Japanese Expansion on the Asiatic Continent, A Study in the History of Japan with special reference to her international relations with China, Korea, and Russia
  • America, Land of Freedom
  • Dumbarton Oaks Inaugural Lectures
  • The Journal of Eugene Delacroix
  • Fashions in American Typography 1780 to 1930, With brief illustrated stories of the life and environment of the American people in seven periods and demonstrations of E.G.G.’s Fresh Note Typography
  • North from Texas: incidents in the early life of a range cowman in Texas, Dakota and Wyoming 1852–1883
  • Package Design: The Force of Visual Selling
  • The Anatomy of Lettering
  • A History of France
  • The Great Geppy
  • Rockwellkentiana, Few Words and Many Pictures by R.K., With a Bibliography and List of Prints by Carl Zigrosser
  • Third Avenue, New York
  • The Rockefeller McCormick Tapestries: Three Early Sixteenth Century Tapestries, With a Discussion of the History of the Tree of Life, Volume 1
  • The Sermons of John Donne: Volume VI
  • World Geo-Graphic Atlas
  • The Little Magazine, A History and a Bibliography